Sounding Body Documentation
January 30th
This part of the project is almost finish. The hand is going to need a 3rd casting as the fingers did not come out properly. The music had to be redesigned several times and regrettably has 4 premature version( will be uploaded).
The Narrative took a much darker tone the previously intended. Instead of directly addressing the fragility of the elbow, I ask spoke from the point of view of man who sees himself as some kind of king and savior to his people and his complicated relationship with god as well as his dire need to be so much despite his status.
I am the king, I am the fool, I am the explorer
I am the king. For I forbid to call myself a servant. No Vanity,I just simply cannot serve something that I have not seen. Yet I find myself supporting an entity, no, an Idea capable of god knows what in the hand of god I am just a supporting actor holding everything together. I am a man, my crown a channel for the will of god. The fragile few bones connecting it to the body of people, my nation. How powerful, the human mind is. How destructive it can reveal itself to be. On the night the sky falls the tides will turn before it can reach the ground. I will blame the very existence I once gave credence to, but for who am I then?
Then I am the fool. For I entrust both faith and blame in the same entity. I do not bite the hand that feeds but rather allow it to choke me while whispering that everything will be alright. And it wasn’t long before I started to believe it. Because I will believe anything that is told to me. Al lI wanted was to see the light but there was a whole other side and was given the entire coin and I shared it among my people only to watch them look at the parts that benefits them the most. But this is not the truth I wanted.Please Lord with my hands on my knees, with the bruises on my elbow, with the scars on my chest please point me in the direction of where I am meant to go I am to foolish to simply lie in the dirt with my kin and become one with the earth.If the truth is that life is a beautiful agony, then I will bleed over the Idea that there is another meaning in my attempts to search for it.
I am the explorer. I take it upon myself to unearth what has been buried for too long. I will fight for my people who are my people yet not my people for they will not hesitate to sacrifice me so they can eat. I will protect my people who are not my people who will make me bleed so they can drink. I will die for my people who are not my people for I will twist my soul trying to convince them that I am one of them, as if I have something to prove. I will traverse this world for justifiable meaning that I can show to my people. And I will continue to look for warmth, knowing full well death will take it from me.
January 24
For this assignment the task given to us was to take a 3D render of a part of our body or several parts and make an interactive art piece with it. For the sounding body assignment I chose to do a casting of my right elbow. I did casting my elbow because when I think of it, I think of it as such an essential part of the human body. The elbow is just a joint that connects the upper arm with the forearm.
For the Narrative, I plan to do a fictional personification of the elbow, addressing it's purpose and use in a world where it needs to be much more than it was intended to be just to survive. I will be focusing on the fact that all it really wants is to simply be a part of the body but in order to keep its purpose it needs to be the first line of defense when you put up your forearms to protect yourself and also to weaponize itself as it can do tremendous damage when used right. It is also very susceptible to injury as it is very common and easy for it to get fractured. The pain is severe but very easy to hide and ignore.
Next steps: The Narrative needs to be written out and published. The obj for the Elbow needs to be uploaded. The music would be a slow high octave light piano at first, mainly melody. Different music would apply to different characters. I have a hand casting the I plan to use in the game where the elbow has to help him piece himself back together. His "theme song" will be a series of distorted guitar plucks that become less distorted as he is pieced back together. Also as the story continues, little instruments will be taken out/added to work wit the narrative, for example if the elbow makes personal progress light instruments will be added in(e.g. bells, whistles, harmonics) however if a negative emotion or memory is triggered, the instruments will be removed or distorted.